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A Little History...

The Berkeley Breakfast Club was organized on May 8, 1936, at the Durant Hotel. The object of the club, as set forth in the constitution is “to foster, promote,

exploit and publicize the educational, cultural, civic, com­mercial, industrial, recreational, and residential assets of the city of Berkeley. It also shall be the purpose of the club to foster a closer relationship with the members of the Uni­versity of California family, and with the commuters whose business takes them away from the Berkeley area a great deal of the time.”


Several changes have taken place over the years. One of the characteristics of the club that has developed is its uniqueness...providing fun and the unexpected for its members. Membership is set at no more than two hun­dred active members, all of whom are either residents or engaged in business in the Berkeley area.


The club con­venes each Friday morning at the Berkeley City Club from 7:00 to 8:30. Attendance is a personal habit, very reward­ing to those who make the effort. We are fortunate each year in having many new people join us to work alongside our members of long-standing to continue the traditions and spirit of the Berkeley Breakfast Club.


The Breakfast Club was incorporated on April 9, 1969, as a non­profit corporation in the State of California. The offi­cial title is The Berkeley Breakfast Club, Inc.


Although we started as a men's club we pride ourselves in expanding the diversity of the organization, with a wide variety of men and women of all ages, ethnic groups, social and cultural persuasions. The club is open to everyone and we pride ourselves in our inclusivity.



SINCE 1936

2315 Durant Avenue

Berkeley, CA 94704


Every Friday at 7am


Contact us to be a member or guest

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